Technology Services Core Values..
Core Values:
have core values that we all live by; they are the unifying tenets
for the company:
- We
constantly look for better ways to deliver value to our customers,
shareowners, suppliers and fellow associates. We anticipate change
and create the solutions before we are asked to.
Accountability - We say what we do and we do what we say.
We consistently produce results that meet or exceed the
expectations of our customers and suppliers. We accept our
individual and team responsibilities to meet our commitments.
Integrity - We abide by the highest ethical standards,
demonstrating honesty and fairness in every action that we take,
everywhere, all the time.
Teamwork and Respect - We honor the rights and beliefs of
our fellow associates, partners and community. We treat others
with the highest degree of dignity, equality and trust, leveraging
diversity to meet our common goals. As a team, we deliver more
than as individuals.
Learning - We continually acquire new knowledge to improve
performance and enable growth for the company and for ourselves.
Social Responsibility - We partner with our customers and
suppliers to minimize our joint impact on the environment. We are
responsible, active citizens in our communities through
involvement, volunteerism, and charitable giving.
All of this is what makes us one of the best choices, whether
you're launching or growing your business, in the mobile work
force, or simply a home computer user.
At Intelligent Technology Services, our staff/associates strive to
build our capabilities to new heights that will be rewarding
personally and professionally.
General Support:
General Support emails are answered within 24hrs.
For more information
about Intelligent Technology Services please
fill out the form, or call: 386-957-3849